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應用程序英語怎么說 應用程序的英語例句

發布時間:2022-07-01 16:40:08來源:勵普網






  application program


  網絡應用程序 web application

  快速應用程序開發Rapid Application Development

  應用程序服務器 Application Server

  網上應用程序 web utilities

  服務器應用程序 server application

  主應用程序 host application

  應用程序員 Application programmer

  分布式應用程序 Distributed Application


  1. I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect.


  2. In some applications, it also links the objects logically.

  在某些應用程序中, 它也在邏輯上把兩個對象連接在一起.

  3. Transient applications should be limited to a single window and view.


  4. It does not stop the proceedings, and the application does not freeze.

  無須停止進度, 應用程序也不會凍結.

  5. One or more message segments transmitted? among? terminals, application programs, and systems.

  在各終端 、 各應用程序和各系統之間傳輸的一個或多個信息段.

  6. Of course, there are some rare exceptions to the monothematic nature of transient applications.

  當然, 暫時式應用程序也存在一些少見的例外情況,即不止一個主題,但這種情況很少.

  7. In many cases, users will not even be aware of the existence of the daemonic application.

  很多情況下, 用戶甚至意識不到后臺應用程序的存在.

  8. This is an excellent control idiom for sovereign - posture programs with which users interact for long hours.


  9. The dialog then disappears and returns the user to the main application window.


  10. As a result, most applications use only the middle button as a shortcut.

  因此, 多數應用程序只能將中間鍵當做快捷操作的捷徑.

  11. Daemonic icons should only be employed persistently if they provide continuous, useful status information.


  12. For a sovereign application of any complexity, adjacent pane designs are practically a requirement.

  對于任何一個復雜的獨占應用程序, 相鄰窗格的設計尤為必要.

  13. Sovereign applications should rightly enrich their interaction with these sorts of variants as appropriate.


  14. Such overlapping within a single application is completely natural and a well - formed idiom.


  15. In most cases, your application can make a fairly correct assumption based on past experience.

  在多數情況下, 你的應用程序能夠根據之前的經驗建立在一個相對正確的假設上的.

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相關內容: 應用程序 英語 怎么 應用程式 電腦 軟體 主要 分類 之一


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