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ahead的短語 ahead的短語例句

發布時間:2022-06-23 16:01:35來源:勵普網


  ahead表示向前; 預先; 在將來,為未來的意思,那么你知道ahead的短語有哪些嗎?


  stay ahead

  保持位置上的領先remain in a forward or leading position

  [說明] stay ahead通常不用于被動結構。

  If I can only stay ahead for a few more yards, I can win this race.如果在最后我能保持領先幾碼, 我就得勝了。

  ahead of

  ahead of sb/sth

  1.在…前面 further forward in space or time than sb/sth; in front of sb/sth

  She walked ahead of him along the corridor.她沿著走廊走到他前面。

  She was running ahead of me.她跑在我的前方。

  dead ahead

  就在前面 in front of

  The school is dead ahead about two miles from here.從這兒算起學校就在前面兩英里處左右。

  draw ahead

  跑在前面, 趕到前面lead; go front

  He soon drew ahead, and left the other runners behind.他很快就趕到前面去了, 把其他運動員甩在后面。

  The opposing team gradually drew ahead.對手隊漸漸占有優勢。

  fire ahead

  〈口〉開始; 熱烈地談論; 發問begin especially speak; talk actively or ask questions

  Fire ahead, we"re all listening.開始講吧, 我們都聽著呢。

  forge ahead

  穩步前進, 突然加速前進 go steadily or quickly forward

  The ship forged ahead through the waves. 那只船破浪前進。

  The trans-Atlantic liner forged ahead through the waves.橫渡大西洋的客輪破浪前進。

  1.(使)在前,行進 lead or be in front

  get sb ahead

  An early start will get us well ahead before the crowds.我們早點動身,會遠遠走在人們的前面。

  get ahead of sb/sth

  That bus has got ahead of the others.那輛汽車開在其他汽車前面。

  We slowed down, to let the other cars get ahead of us.我們減了速,讓別的汽車開到前面去。

  go ahead

  1.先走,走在前面 move in front

  Go straight ahead.一直向前走。

  Go ahead, what are you waiting for?往前走啊,你在等什么?

  keep ahead

  保持領先地位remain in a forward or leading position


  1. He looked straight ahead and overtook a lumbering lorry.


  2. Mark was out of earshot, walking ahead of them.


  3. He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck.


  4. The election was held six months ahead of schedule.


  5. Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects.


  6. He reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead.


  7. Ahead, he saw the side railings of First Bridge over Crooked Brook.


  8. A much bigger battle is ahead for the president.


  9. If prepared many hours ahead, the mixture may separate out.


  10. I"d have to send Tina on ahead with Rachael.


  11. They went ahead without waiting for a reply from the Germans.


  12. The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer.


  13. The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today"s meeting.


  14. The Socialists may still finish ahead of the pack.


  15. Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival.


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