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考研作文萬能模板 詳細寫法

發布時間:2022-06-19 10:41:53來源:勵普網





  The two pictures illustrate vividly ……. In the left picture ……,while in the right …….

  From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of ……. Aside from ……,another telling example is ……,which was so successful in that ……. The pictures also make it obvious that we should …….

  Admittedly,it is natural that ……. Nevertheless,it is the responsibility of our government and society to ……. In my opinion,what’s the more important is to ……. In short,…….


  It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem; ……. In this drawing,Even ……..

  It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of ……. Though the drawing is a little exaggerating,it is not rare for us to find in ……. If we let this situation of continues,it not only harms ……,but also prevents …….

  Accordingly,we urgently call for ……. Though the government has already taken pains to implement regulations,it still failz to ……. In my opinion,this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits. I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.


  The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates…… . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…… .

  In fact,…… . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that…… . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view.…… . It owes to…… .

  In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our…… . What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,…… . Therefore,…… I strongly contend that…… .


  There is a popular Chinese song, named "…… ", which encourages…… . However, the in the picture does but for a very different reason—…… . From the facial expression of we can read…… .

  Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today"s society, for which are responsible. For one thing,…… . For another,…… . As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of…… .

  The above analysis is best exemplified by…… . In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.



  Dear XXX,


  I am Li Ming, a senior of XXX University./ a regular/royal customer of your store. … I am writing to…apply for the position. Provide some practical suggestions. Inquire into some information about… complain about the poor quality of…/ extend my heartfelt apology/ gratitude / congratulations.



  I really appreciate your taking time to read my letter. If you have any problem, don’t hesitate to contact me by liming @sina.com. Look forward to your reply. / Please allow me to express my sincere thanks / congratulations/ apology once more. I am eager to hear from you.

  省略:Good Luck./ Best wishes!



  The pie graph/ bar graph/ line graph / table gives information about …/ of the survey about 疑問詞+陳述句語序whether the workers in a company are satisfied with their jobs. As we can clearly see from the graph, …

  餅狀圖:X took the lead by taking up ___ in the year of ___, followed by Y and Z which occupied ___and ___ respectively. On the contrary,

  柱狀圖/曲線:X had a rapid increase from ___ in the year of ____ to ___ in the year of ____. However, Y experienced an opposite tendency / a different tendency. It went down sharply from ___ to ___.

  It is of no difficulty to figure out an obvious tendency that …


  What might contribute to the phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows. On the one hand,… On the other hand,…/ (經濟、媒體、個人態度)


  By observing the changes over the past several years, we may forecast that the tendency of… will continue to rise/ decline/ develop. Accordingly, we are supposed to keep a close watch on it and time tells.

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