發布時間:2022-03-23 12:57:14來源:勵普網
英文歌country boy歌詞賞析~剛開始是吹口哨的英文歌有tyra的country boy。下面是小編給大家整理的剛開始是吹口哨的英文歌,供大家參閱!
剛開始是吹口哨的英文歌country boy歌手簡介:
剛開始是吹口哨的英文歌country boy歌手介紹:
從T臺上走下來的泰拉·班克斯早就在傳媒業開始了“新生”,樹立了她無二的品牌,并成為娛樂工業內一位地位了得的“大玩家”。 一切 始自2003年的5月,班克斯創辦的新節目《美國超級模特新秀大賽》首播即贏得了美國觀眾空前的追捧。2015年,第二十季期間,Tyra宣布這是較后一季。第九季,節目每周平均吸引了520萬名觀眾追看。而探討女性話題的《泰拉·班克斯秀》每周據評價能吸引430萬觀眾收看。對于34歲的班克斯來說,現的目標是全世界[4] 。她與華納兄弟娛樂集團簽訂了價值數百萬美元的電影電視制作協議,可以想見,班克斯定會成為未來電視領域較有影響力的女性之一。“奧普拉·溫弗萊(美國電視脫口秀女王)才是巨頭,我頂多算是未來的巨頭,但正奔那個方向。”她說。
剛開始是吹口哨的英文歌country boy歌詞:
Presented by Merlinhu ** Loving Tabitha
Let's make 'em whistle y'all....
Yea, this one right here
Is to all my country boys, yea
See I love everybody
Mid-west, east coast, west coast
But its something special
About these country boys
Down here in the dirty south, ya know!?!?!
I met a lil cuttie
He was round my way
Accent was a little funny
Are you from VA
He said no I'm not
Im from ATL
Well u doin the damn thing
And u doin it well
Well I had my share of men
Black whites and indians
But I never had a dude like you
Im trynna tell you now
That im feelin ur style
Can I chill one night with you
You aint seen nothing
If you aint had lovin
From one of them country boys
You aint got a clue
If you don't know what to do
When you see one of them country boys
He's got Henni in his cup
24's on his truck
Butterflies in my gut
Cuz he said "wussup!"
He's got fronts in his mouth
Cuz he's from down south
Come and holla at me
Cuz u drive me crazy
Boy, go 'head with yo bad ***
What you need from me just ask
See, cuz a guy like you
And a girl like me
Not usually into rushin,
But u drive me crazy
He's crunk like Jon
With a body like Usher
Up in the club
Never scared like Bone Crusher
I'll take you home
We can tag team wrestle
And if you like it slow,
Give you that red light special
You aint seen nothing
If you aint had lovin
From one of them country boys
You aint got a clue
If you don't know what to do
When you see one of them country boys
You aint seen nothing
If you aint had lovin
From one of them country boys
You aint got a clue
If you don't know what to do
When you see one of them country boys
From VA to GA
Miami to the Lou
All these country boys
Yall im feelin you
The Carolinas to my boys in Alabama
Even down in Mississippi yall I don't think yall hear me
Go 'head with yo bad ***
What you need from me just ask
Take my number
And baby please call
Any time I don't mind at all
You aint seen nothing
If you aint had lovin
From one of them country boys
You aint got a clue
If you don't know what to do
When you see one of them country boys
You aint seen nothing
If you aint had lovin
From one of them country boys
You aint got a clue
If you don't know what to do
When you see one of them country boys
You aint seen nothing...
更多培訓課程: 寧波個人提升英語 更多學校信息: 寧波新通教育培訓機構 咨詢電話:
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