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位置:勵普教育 > 英語>個人提升英語> dear是什么意思?用法有哪些?  正文


發布時間:2022-03-08 15:29:39來源:勵普教育



adj. 親愛的; 敬愛的; 昂貴的; 嚴厲的;

n. 親愛的人; 寵物;

int. 哎;

adv. 高價地; 疼愛地; 貴;

變形 復數: dears


ADJ You use dear to describe someone or something that you feel affection for. 親愛的 [ADJ n]

例:Mrs. Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.


2. ADJ If something is dear to you or dear to your heart, you care deeply about it. 寶貴的; 珍視的 [v-link ADJ 'to' n]

例:This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.


3. ADJ Dear is written at the beginning of a letter, followed by the name or title of the person you are writing to. 親愛的 (寫在信首,位于收信人的姓名或稱呼前) [ADJ n]

例:Dear Peter, I have been thinking about you so much during the past few days.


4. CONVENTION You begin formal letters with "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam." You can also begin them with "Sir" or "Madam." 尊敬的 [書面]

例:"Dear Sir," she began.


5. N-VOC You can call someone dear as a sign of affection. 親愛的 [情感]

例:You're a lot like me, dear.


6. INTERJ You can use dear in expressions such as "oh dear," "dear me," and "dear, dear" when you are sad, disappointed, or surprised about something. 啊呀[情感]

例:"Oh dear, oh dear." McKinnon sighed. "You, too."



Dear Master, forsake me not, You promised, ever!


I think so, dear.


Of course, dear.


Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap; it will be dear to you.


Dear Editor, I live in Paris, France.

親愛的編輯, 我住在法國巴黎。

But his sister wept, and begged him not to go: "If they kill you, dear fawn, I shall be here alone inthe forest, forsaken by the whole world.


However, he appeared very friendly, and after a little talk he held out his hand to her, and said, "Wilt thou go with me to my castle and be my dear wife?


Oh, dear sister, I must go once more; it will be easy for me to avoid the hunters now, and myfoot feels quite well; they will not hunt me unless they see me running, and I don't mean to dothat.


I hope soon to see you again, my dear Edmond.


But if they were the last words I had to utter - and last words should be very solemn to you andme, Paul, after poor dear Fanny - I would still say I never thought it was.


But if they were the last words I had to utter - and last words should be very solemn to you andme, Paul, after poor dear Fanny - I would still say I never thought it was.


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