全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
位置:勵普教育 > 英語>個人提升英語> 音樂會的英文怎么寫?例句有哪些?  正文


發布時間:2022-03-01 11:48:57來源:勵普教育




concert ; musicale ; philharmonic

網 絡concert;Concerts;the concert;Le concert



Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.


It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.


The concert will be in the school hall.


It is good to go to a concert for a change.


The concert will be given on Saturday.


The concert concluded with the National Anthem.


The newspaper gave much publicity to the concert.


The few who came to the concert enjoyed it.


We are going to a musical evening today.


Everyone cheered for the violinist at our school concert.

1. Now his other major works are creeping back into concert programmes. 現在他的其他主要作品又悄然出現在音樂會節目單上。

2. Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more. 舒緩的音樂會促使超市購物者花更長的時間瀏覽商品的同時花更多的錢。

3. In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter. 較終,我們一致決定組織一場復活節音樂會。

4. Live concerts are never quite the same on the small screen. 電視轉播的音樂會與現場音樂會不可同日而語。

5. The concert will be broadcast live by the BBC. 這場音樂會將由英國廣播公司進行現場直播。

6. The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures. 節日里將有煙花表演、現場音樂會和雕塑展。

7. He met Jackson backstage at his concert in Leeds. 他在利茲音樂會的后臺見到了杰克遜。

8. The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981. 1981年末之后,彩虹劇院就再沒主辦過現場音樂會。

9. He has sued a fan for bootlegging his concerts. 他已經起訴一個歌迷非法錄制他音樂會的節目。

10. She was a child prodigy, giving concerts before she was a teenager. 她是個神童,十來歲不到就舉辦音樂會了。

11. They arrived at the weekend and gave three concerts in the week. 他們周末抵達,從周一到周五舉辦了3場音樂會。

12. The proceeds from the concert will go towards famine relief. 音樂會的收入將用于救助饑荒。

13. He will play concerts in Amsterdam and Paris. 他將在阿姆斯特丹和巴黎舉辦音樂會。

14. Concert organisers branded the group's actions as puerile. 音樂會的組織者指稱該樂隊的行為愚蠢幼稚。

15. Their concert there was a sell-out. 他們在那里舉辦的音樂會座無虛席。

16. Wednesday's Prom featured the London Mozart Players. 周三音樂會為倫敦莫扎特音樂家樂團專場。

17. The concert was a predictable yawn. 果不其然,那場音樂會很乏味。

18. a concert at Wembley Arena 在溫布利體育館舉行的音樂會

19. a concert of music by Bach 巴赫作品音樂會

20. Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans. 她決定取消這場音樂會,肯定會使她的歌迷失望。

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相關內容: 英文 音樂會的英文 音樂會的英文例句


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