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改造的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-08-22 10:36:24來源:勵普網




We should transform our subjective world while transforming the objective world.
要在改造客觀世界的同時改造主觀世界。Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex.
“懷河草地”是一處由農舍改造而成的賞心悅目的建筑群。During the Pleistocene Ice Age, the ancient drainage systems were almost completely rearranged by glaciation
在更新世冰期,古水系常被冰川作用完全改造。Our purpose is not only to conquer nature but also to remake nature.
我們的目的不僅要征服自然,而且還要改造自然。It is weird to spend a lot of money to alter that old candy store.
用那么多的錢去改造那家陳舊的糖果店,實在令人不解。The main alternator is now a GTa-24-a2. The traction motors have been upgraded to GE"s 725aF standard.
現在使用的主交流發電機為GTa-24-a2,牽引發動機也進行了改造,以符合GE"s725aF標準。Emancipation and Reconstruction Semi monthly
《解放與改造》The emphasis is on reformation of the offender
關鍵在于改造犯人。Projects to upgrade rural power grids
農村電網改造Even the Communist Party is undergoing remoulding. Rectification means remoulding and it will continue into the future

v. (使)改變;(使)變換;改造;改革;改善

The situation has been greatly transformed.
形勢已經大大好轉。 core ,for electric transformers
線圈心,變壓器用 The ability of bacteria to be genetically transformable.
遺傳力細菌的遺傳性轉化的能力。The magician transformed the frog into a princess.
魔術師把青蛙變成了公主。summation /totalizing current transformer

相關內容: 改造的英文怎么說 勵普網


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