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2023-07-18 08:54:48來源:勵普網



A tsunami is not just a wave, but a wave train.
海嘯不是單個波,而是一列波。A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake.
一場駭人的海嘯跟隨地震而來。 Loss of or damage to the insured property caused and expenses incurred by earthquake or tsunami
地震、海嘯引起的損失和費用Tsunami experts said the pattern was not unusual.
海嘯專家稱此次情形并非罕見。Suffering from a tsunami or terrorist attack comes in stages.
海嘯或恐怖襲擊帶來的破壞是一個接一個。With the momentum of an avalanche, the tidal wave crashed into the seaside town.
海嘯以排山倒海之勢,沖向那個海邊城鎮。Tsunamis are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other.
海嘯是由兩塊地殼構造板塊互相碰撞引起的。The earthquake fault at 400 km, and produced a large tsunami.
此次地震的斷層達到400公里,并且產生了大海嘯。Indeed, networks have washed over corporate America like a tsunami, dramatically altering the architecture of computing.
確實,電腦網絡已如海嘯般橫掃美國企業界,大大改變了電腦業的結構。Murky water after tsunamis can prevent sunlight from reaching the coral sealife, which needs it to grow.
海嘯過后,海水一片渾濁,可能會阻止陽光照射到珊瑚礁周圍的海洋生物上,而這些生物需要陽光才能生長。 tsunami是什么意思
n. 海嘯

A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake.
一場駭人的海嘯跟隨地震而來。 A tsunami is not just a wave, but a wave train.
海嘯不是單個波,而是一列波。Tsunami experts said the pattern was not unusual.
海嘯專家稱此次情形并非罕見。The earthquake fault at 400 km, and produced a large tsunami.
此次地震的斷層達到400公里,并且產生了大海嘯。Suffering from a tsunami or terrorist attack comes in stages.


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相關內容: 海嘯的英語怎么說 勵普網


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