全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
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英語口語情景對話大全 節假日的問候

2023-06-08 09:47:11來源:勵普網




1.A: Mary, this is Joe"s brother David.

B; I"m very glad to meet you.

C: It"s a pleasure to meet you.

B: How do you like Texas so far?

C: It"s really different from what I expected.

B: Don"t worry. You"ll get used to it in no time.

2.A: Mrs. Smith, I"d like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do?

C: Hello.

B: What"s your impression of the United States?

C: Well, I can"t get over how different the weather is here.

B: Oh, you"ll get used to it soon!

3.A: Wendy, I"d like you to meet my brother Sam.

B: Hi.

C: Nice to meet you.

B: What do you think of Dallas?

C: Well, I"m still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.

B: You"re bound to feel that way at first, I guess.

4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.

B: Pleased to meet you.

C: How do you do?

B: I hope you"re enjoying your stay here.

C: If it weren"t for the climate, I"d like it here very much.

B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.


1. A: Merry Christmas!

B: The same to you!

A: Are you doing anyting special?

B: We"re having some friends over. What are you doing?

A: Oh, I"m just going to take it easy.

2. A: Happy New Year!

B: Thank you! Same to you.

A: Have you got any plans?

B: I"ve been invited over to la friend"s. And you?

A: My reemmate"s having a party.

3. A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!

B: Same to you!

A: Are you going anywhere?

B: I thought about going to my sister"s. How about you?

A: Oh, I"ll probably just stay at home.

4. A: Have a nice weekend!

B: Thanks. You too!

A: Do you have any plans?

B: Well, my family"s away and I can"t afford to do much. What about you? A: Oh, I haven"t decided what I"m going to do yet.


1.A: I"ve come to say goodbye.

B: When are you off?

A: I"m flying home on Sunday afternoon.

B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.

A: Please don"t forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.

2.A: I"d like to say goodbye to everyone.

B: What time are you going?

A: My plane leaves at 7:25.

B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip!

A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you"re ever in Washington.

3.A; I"m calling to say goodbye.

B: When do you leave?

A: I"m catching the 11:00 train.

B: Take care of yourself and don"t forget to keep in touch.

A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.

4.A: I just dropped in to say goodbye.

B: What time are you leaving?

A: I"m going to try to leave by 10:00.

B: Take care and give my best to your parents.

A: Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.


1. A: I haven"t seen you for ages. You haven"t been sich, have you?

B: No, I"ve been in California for the past month.

A: How nice. Where were you exactly?

B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.

2. A: It"s nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?

B: No, I"ve been visiting relatives.

A: That"s nice. Where?

B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.

3. A: You haven"t been around much lately, have you?

B: No, I"ve been away on vacation.

A: Oh? Where were you?

B: Palm Springs. I"ve got a cousin there.

4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?

B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.

A: Oh, really? Where did you go?

B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.


相關內容: 英語口語情景對話大全 勵普網


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