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創造者的英文 參考例句

2023-12-04 09:37:16來源:勵普網




Human form is a creator, a creator of one"s own destiny.
人類是一個創造者,一個自己命運的創造者。 Creation supposes a creator.
創造必須先有創造者。They not only handed down these songs, but made them up too.
他們既是傳播者。又是創造者。The young artist will rather is a fashion than a follower.
年輕的藝術家寧愿做創造者,而不愿當模仿者。On the other hand, it is far from clear that he was a genuine worker of modern-day wonders.
另一方面,他是當代奇跡的真正創造者——這一點十分模糊。Not so much as captains of industry but as wealth creators.
與其說他們是行業的領軍人,不如說他們是財富創造者。For Croce, the creator, the work and the reader are identified
克羅齊認為創造者、作品與讀者三者是等同的、一致的。On the other hand, it is far from clear that he was a genuine worker of modern-day wonders
另一方面,他是當代奇跡的真正創造者——這一點十分模糊。The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with Prime Creator and with all that exists.
當然課程是認識你們的神性,認識與最初的創造者并且與你們所有存在的你們的連通性。 The chief deity of Zoroastrianism,the creator of the world,the source of light,and the embodiment of good.

n. 創造者,創作者,造物主

Copyright is an option, not a requirement , for the creator.
著作權對于作者來說只是一個選擇權, 而非必需。A copyright is effective for the life of the creator plus fifty years.
版權的保護期是創作者的終身再加五十年。Few writers can compare with Scott as creators of romance.
能與史考特匹敵的羅曼史作家并不多。Not so much as captains of industry but as wealth creators.
與其說他們是行業的領軍人,不如說他們是財富創造者。Thomas Jefferson was one of the creators of the U.S. Constitution.

相關內容: 創造者的英文 勵普網


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