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風速用英語怎么說 風速英語例句

2023-11-30 10:50:08來源:勵普網



wind speed

Hours of solar shine,. relative air humidity and wind speed
日照時數,相對濕度和風速It"s measurement of wind force and velocity.
這是風力和風速測量法。statisticians can estimate the highest expected winds
統計人員能估計最大風速。windage scale
風速(力)計;風力修正分劃Surface roughness has a profound effect on wind speed.
地表粗糙度對風速有相當深刻的影響。This paper introduces an assembled hot-film probe applied on measuring the velocity of gas flow.
文章介紹了一種用于測量風速的組合熱膜探頭。At higher latitudes, the winds are much slower and tend to alternate between blowing to the west and to the east.
在更高的緯度上,風速大減,且有風向朝西與朝東交替變化的趨勢。 Measure average wind speed by anemometer. Find out wind direction by light thread and compass.
用風速計量度平均風速,用一條輕的線和一個指南針找出風向。As the wind rose to eighty miles an hour, tree after tree crashed down

n. 風;吞下的氣
v. 曲折而行;纏繞;使喘大氣

The wind is blustering.
風在呼嘯狂吹。Wind power: Use of the energy in winds to produce power.
風力:利用風的能量來產生動力。wind energy potential
風能潛力 a wind instrument with a free reed.
帶有自由簧片的管樂器。 To cause(a wind instrument)to sound.

n. 速度,速率;快速,迅速
v. 迅速前進,快行;促進;加速,使加速

The speed of a train differs greatly from the speed of an airplane
火車的速度與飛機的速度大不相同。The car is gaining speed.
那輛轎車正在加速。The worker is timing the speed of the machine.
這名工人正在調整機器的速度。a dizzy height, speed
使人眩暈的高度、 速度. Speed the parting guest

相關內容: 風速用英語怎么說 勵普網


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