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副總裁的英語怎么說 參考例句

2023-07-25 10:45:17來源:勵普網


vice president

The memBers of the Board felt that she was vice-presidential material.
董事會成員認為她是個當副總裁的人才I have just heard that you have been made Vice-President of ABC Co., Ltd. . I would like to extend my congratulations.
欣聞您被任命為ABC公司的副總裁,特此表示祝賀。Received the title of second vice president at the Bank
在銀行成為第二副總裁a vice president who was the real dynamo of the corporation.
副總裁是公司真正強有力的人物eventually rose to the position of vice president.
最終升到了副總裁的職位Are you going to be promoted to vice president?
你要升為副總裁了嗎?When the president died the vice-president was chosen to head the firm.
總裁去世后,副總裁當選領導公司。I had an appointment with the Vice President of ABC company, but it turned out to be a no show.
我和ABC公司的副總裁有約,但他讓我空等了。 Prior to becoming our new president, Mr. Johnson was a vice president in charge of our international sales division.
在擔任我們的新總裁之前,約翰遜先生曾任國際銷售部的副總裁。 Wendell Larsen, our vice-president of public affairs, would brief them.

n. 副總統;副總裁;副首長;副社長等

The one on one with the boss is among a Veep"s most coveted perks.

n. 惡,邪惡,惡行
prep. 代替
adj. 副的

No vice goes alone
壞事不單行movable vice jaw
活動鉗口 I was vice-regent.

n. 總統,國家主席;院長;首長;會長;總裁

They petitioned the President.
他們向總統請愿。They polled the President.
他們對總統進行民意測驗。They are amnestied by the president.

相關內容: 副總裁的英語怎么說 勵普網


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