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珠海的英文怎么說 珠海的英文

2023-06-27 10:03:34來源:勵普網


(N) Zhuhai (city in Guangdong)

Zhuhai local residence is prefered.
珠海戶口者優先。Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong, and Zhuhai is close to Macao.
深圳毗鄰香港,珠海靠近澳門It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.
將裝運港由汕頭改為珠海對我們來說問題不大The investment environment in Zhuhai is improving daily, providing broad areas for investment by international consortia
珠海投資環境日臻完善,為國際財團投資提供了廣闊的空間。White cloud and pearl sea

n. 珠海(位于廣東省)

Zhuhai local residence is prefered.
珠海戶口者優先。It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.
將裝運港由汕頭改為珠海對我們來說問題不大In order to show the charm of Zhuhai to the judge panel and TV watchers across the country, Zhuhai TV has produced a publicity film on the image of Zhuhai, which will be broadcast on news channel CCTV at 8:20 pm on September 19.

n. 都市,城市;特許市;全市居民;倫敦商業區;充滿...的地方

the city of York
約克特許市. beleaguer a city
圍攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.
歐洲各城市的整潔使我們的城市相形見絀。 g


This is an expression peculiar to people from Guangdong.
這是廣東人特有的一種說法。Guangdong Transport Limited was incorporated in Hong Kong on 1984. Wholly owned by Sinotrans Guangdong Co.
He was born in 1921 and once studied in the Guangdong Provincial Art School.

相關內容: 珠海的英文怎么說 勵普網


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