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繁榮的英文怎么說 繁榮的英文

2023-06-13 10:19:59來源:勵普網


booming (economy)

A prosperous city.
一個繁榮的都市。Shanghai has not yet reached the zenith of her prosperity.
上海尚未達到繁榮的頂點。With prosperity has come a dramatic increase on wages.
隨著經濟的繁榮,人們的薪金猛漲。Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace.
互利合作、共同繁榮,是維護和平的經濟保障。The shopping mall, prosperous in business and convenient for shopping
商業步行街,市面繁榮,購買方便。Singapore had just emerged relatively unscathed from the Asian economic crisis and the market was booming again.
此時的新加坡剛從波及全亞洲的經濟危機中走出來,市場又恢復了往日的繁榮。The period during which a person, school, or movement was most active or flourishing.
繁盛期一個人、一所學校或一種運動最具活力或最繁榮的時期He"s heard of the boom along this coast, and wants to get in on the ground floor
他獲悉沿海一帶的繁榮情景時,也想獲得優先入股的資格。Flourishing as never before
空前繁榮A prosperous town

adj. 繁榮的

Much effort, much prosperity.
愈努力就愈成功。Cheats never prosper
騙人發不了財In prosperity think of adversity

adj. 繁榮的;大受歡迎的
v. boom的現在分詞形式

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions shook the valley.
轟!轟!轟!一連串爆破聲震撼山谷。 There is nothing like the seduction of a boom.
什么都比不上經濟繁榮的誘惑。The big guns boomed in the distance.

n. 節省;理財;經濟(體制)
adj. 便宜的,經濟的

transitional economy
轉變中的經濟體系 The economy was floundering.
經濟深陷困境。The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign.

相關內容: 繁榮的英文怎么說 勵普網


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