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發布時間:2020-11-09 11:45:50來源:轉載



But the Nobel Foundation'slim it of three recipients per prize,

each of whom must still be living, has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research——as will be demonstrated by the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging the discovery of the Higgs boson.(TEXT 3, 2014)

這個句子的主干是the Nobel Foundation’slim it has been

outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research, 中間的each of whom是一個從句修飾前面的three recipients, 破折號后面有一個as will be demonstrated by同樣是從句, 但是我們會發現它實際上是個例子, 用來例證前面的collaborative nature。讀懂了這個例子,我們就會發現這個句子的主要信息就是前面的主干。然后碰巧這個地方就出了一道例證題:

33.The discovery of the Higgs boson is atypical case which involves

[A] controversies over the recipients’status.

[B] the joint effort of modern researchers.

[C] legitimate concerns over the new prizes.

[D] the demonstration of research findings.

讀懂了前面那個句子內部的邏輯,我們就可以知道這道題正確答案應該是B,joint effort對應collaborative nature, modern researchers對應modern research.


More apparent reasonableness followed.There will now be a seven-day wait for the jobseeker’s allowance.“Those first few days should be spent looking for work, not looking to sign on.”he claimed.“We’redoing these things because we know they help people say off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster”Help?Really?On first hearing, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with“reforms to an obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find work, and subsides laziness.What motivated him, we were to understand, was his zeal for“fundamental fairness”-protecting the taxpayer,controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving claimants received their benefits.(TEXT 1, 2014)

段首直接出現more apparent reasonableness followed, 我們可以知道這是承上啟下,后面肯定開始展開,到底還有哪些reasonableness。第二句順而介紹新政規定:失業后需要等待七天方可申請救濟。第三四句直接引用奧斯本(本文介紹英國財相奧斯本的“先期工作搜索方案”并批判)口中這一規定的“合理性”。然后五六兩個獨詞問句引發正面質疑:(奧斯本反復強調新政意在“幫助”) help?really?之后用“on first hearing”開頭, 重復奧斯本的說辭, 說明表象, 實則暗示事實并非如此。較后一句通過“we were to understand”揭示真相,明確作者觀點:正在動機在于保護納稅人、控制救濟金支出。

這一段通過可以從help?really?這里斷開, 分為兩個部分:前面在介紹新政規定(2句)和奧斯本新政目的和合理性的說辭(3、4兩句);后面質疑、反擊,揭示奧斯本真正動因。通過前面提到的邏輯標志詞,我們可以看出“奧斯本口中的新政目的”和“作者所揭示的真正動因”的對比,理解作者反駁態度。


2014年TEXT 2每一段首句擰出來, 就會發現, 邏輯特別清晰:

1.All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the

members of any other profession---with the possible exception of journalism.

2.During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on

legal services in America grew twice as fast as inflation.

3.There are many reasons for this.

4.Reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers.

5.The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business.

6.In fact, allowing non-lawyers to own shares in law firms would reduce costs and improve services to customers, by encouraging law firms to use technology and to employ professional managers to

focus on improving irms'efficiency.



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相關內容: 考研英語閱讀做題方法 2021年考研英語做題步驟 考研英語閱讀


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