(資料圖)亂七八糟的英文:in a mess參考例句:The children"s room is in a horrid mess 小孩的房間亂七八糟。made a hash of
(資料圖片僅供參考)講師的英文:instructorlecturer參考例句:The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years 講師這一
(資料圖片)拖鞋的英文:slippers參考例句:A slipper that has no counter or strap to fit around the heel 拖鞋腳跟處沒有后
(資料圖片)世紀的英文:century參考例句:We need to traverse the last century thoroughly 我們需要詳細研究上一個世紀。Century
(資料圖片)韭菜的英文:leek參考例句:The leek became the national emblem of Wales 韭菜成為威爾士國徽。He is always confus
(相關資料圖)薄荷的英文:field mintpeppermint參考例句:Camomile,mint,herb tea菊花、薄荷、藥草茶 Peppermint is cultivated on s
(資料圖片僅供參考)維持的英文:keepmaintainpreserve參考例句:Sustain an institution維持公共設施The appeal court uphold the s
【資料圖】大學英語六級考試(又稱CET-6,全稱為College English Test-6)是由國家統一出題的,統一收費,統一組織考試,用來評定應試人英
(相關資料圖)溫泉的英文:hot spring參考例句:They came to the hot springs for a cure 他們到溫泉來治病。A resort providin
(資料圖)講述的英文:talk aboutnarrate an account參考例句:To recount as if true 煞有介事的講述Tell the tale of one"s e
(資料圖)補助的英文:(financial) subsidyallowance參考例句:Input subsidy投入補助Replanting complement grants by 10 yuan per
(資料圖)指出的英文:indicatepoint out參考例句:Captious:Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults 傾