2023-08-30 10:36:41來源:勵普網
Office where business is done in an embassy or a consulate
大使館或領事館的辦事處.The consular official wore a rather solemn expression.
領事館官員臉上的表情相當嚴肅。consular invoices are declarations made at the consulate of the importing country.
領事發票是進口國領事館簽發的一種申報書。I set out after dinner, with the consular porter going ahead lantern in hand.
我吃過晚飯就動身了,那個領事館的門房走在前面,手里提著燈籠。The British consulate in Marseilles
英國駐馬賽領事館.What is the phone-number of the consulate?
領事館的電話號碼是多少?`And where is the consulate?"
“那么,領事館在哪兒?”Could you call the consulate?
你可以打電話給領事館嗎?I have applied to the Consulate of the United states for a visa
我已向美國領事館申請簽證。We will forward the visa application to the consulate.
n. 領事館;領事(職位);領事任期
If you are in trouble abroad you should see a consul.
如果在國外遇到困難,你應該去找領事。 They would not permit him to be elected consul.
他們不會允許他當選為執政官。 We will forward the visa application to the consulate.
我們將把簽證申請轉寄到領事館。Finally he became a vice consul.
最終他成為了副領事。The document shall be legalized at the nearest consulate.
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