2023-07-18 09:09:23來源:勵普網
airline company
Where is the counter of Pan-American?
泛美(航空公司)的柜臺在哪里?Airlines ferry high-ranking military personnel between countries.
航空公司用飛機運送高級軍事人員來往于各國之間。But nothing fazes the duty operations supervisor for the Russian airline, Aeroflot, at Heathrow Airport
但是,什么事情也難不倒希思羅機場的這位俄羅斯航空公司值班業務總管。United Airlines and IBM were among these firms, and in a variety of ways they outperformed their Japanese counterparts.
聯合航空公司和國際商用機器公司居于這些公司之列,它們在許多方面超過了他們的日本對手。I can book you on american airlines Flight 144 at 9:30 Saturday morning. Is it all right?
我可以給您訂星期六上午9 點30 分美國航空公司144 班機的機票。I can book you on American Airlines Flight 144 at 9:30 Saturday morning. Is it all right?
我可以給您訂星期六上午九點三十分美國航空公司144班機的機票。The airline has been smacking its lips over the prospect of a $145 million windfall.
這家航空公司一直垂涎得到一筆1.45億美元的橫財。These two state airlines have flown them at a loss (despite very high ticket prices), basically as a pr gim-mick.
盡管協和飛機的票價非常之高,這兩家國有航空公司還是賠著本運營,其實只是將它作為公關的噱頭。the Northwest Airlines
西北航空公司British Airways
n. 航空公司;航線
A nonscheduled airline.
不定期航線 scheduled airline
定期航線 What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?
當一名民航飛機駕駛員要具備哪些條件? The government chartered the new airline.
政府給這家新航空公司頒發了許可證。The pilot landed the airliner safely.
n. 公司;商號;商行;伴侶;同伴,朋友;陪伴
v. 陪同,陪伴;交往,結交
This is a merged company.
這是一個合伙公司。transferee company
受讓人公司 Company chop is required if proposer is a company.
如投保人是公司,請加公司蓋印。This company is about to incorporate with its parent company.
這公司將要與其母公司合并。A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company
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