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云南的英文怎么說 云南的英文

2023-07-05 11:25:23來源:勵普網


(N) Yunnan, southwest Chinese province

The Yunnan festive lantern has beautiful songs and rhythm, with many dances
"云南花燈"詞曲優美,舞蹈性強"Festive Lantern" programs of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan lay particular stress on songs and dances.
"花燈"中,云南、貴州、四川的"花燈",尚偏重于歌舞Promoting New Industrialization via Enterprise Informatization: IT Application in Yunnan Metallurgical General Company
推進企業信息化建設加快新型工業化步伐--云南冶金集團總公司信息化建設"As the pioneer batch of Nantah freshmen, our lives in the Yunnan Garden campus were not pleasant."

云南(位于中國西南部); n.云南(中國西南部之一省)

Promoting New Industrialization via Enterprise Informatization: IT Application in Yunnan Metallurgical General Company
推進企業信息化建設加快新型工業化步伐--云南冶金集團總公司信息化建設The dances of Dai and Miao nationalities living on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau have the same features.

n. 西南,西南風,西南地區
a. 西南的,來自西南方的
ad. 往西南,來自西南

Holland is a city of southwest Michigan southwest of Grand Rapids.
荷蘭是美國密西根州西南部一城市,位于大瀑布西南部。Native Americans adapted the arid desert southwest.
美洲原住民適應了西南部干旱的荒原。The prevailing wind here is from the south-west.

n. 中國人;漢語,中文
adj. 中國的,中國人的;中國話的

crepe de chine yarn
雙縐紗 The old prefessor came back to Chine in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated .
這位老教授是在1949年回到中國的,當時大陸剛解放。Chining and embossing operations particularly require heavy pressures in order to force the metal into the design on the face of the tools.

相關內容: 云南的英文怎么說 勵普網


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